What do millennials want at work?

It’s a question that baffles most employers; what do millennials want at work?

As a company, we already have a good handle on what millennials want but we’ve done a bit more digging and these are the key points we have found…

A clear career path

 Millennials are looking for employment where they can see a future. It’s no good to them working in a place where they don’t see a future. So, how do employers make sure that they are offering this to them? It’s about constant goal setting, new opportunities within a role and appraisals. They also believe that a clear route of progression and promotion is a must in a job. They don’t stay still for long.


A little gratitude goes a long way. If a millennial does something above and beyond in their job, they expect to be noticed for it. We’re not talking medals and trophies, we’re not even talking bonus’ – we’re talking simple gratification. A thank you card or a message really does make a difference and ensures that someone knows their worth within a company. It also encourages an employee to do more, as they will feel good about being noticed for their efforts.

Good management

Millennials want approachable management. They want to feel comfortable going to their managers with a problem or a concern and to have a good relationship with their superiors. After all, you do spend a good majority of your life at work!


This is a huge one for millennials, as they are a very social generation. They like to get to know their colleagues outside of work as well as in the office – this includes staff parties and general activities where everyone feels included as a work force, (or having a bar in the office!!!).

Job security

 You can never guarantee a job is for life, anything can happen. But where you can, you should ensure that your workforce know that their job is safe. Millennials want to be reassured that they aren’t going to end up jobless through no fault of their own – so sharing when the company is doing well is a good thing. They don’t want to know exact figures as such, but to know that as a company you’re hitting target (or not and what they can personally do to help this) is enough for them.

They’re a generation who know what they want. They are also the future. If you want to be part of the future in Financial Services working for a company who understand millennials – then look no further. Apply now.


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